Cross-pollination workshop

On December 7 2023, a large group of key experts in the field gathered together in Ghent to discuss challenges but most of all present and discuss about novel ideas and innovative solutions developed within three major Belgian research projects: ALEXANDER, DemandFlex and FlexSys, funded by the Energy Transition Fund (FODEconomie). A great example of collaboration across institutes, projects and regions! Hosted by the University of Gent and skillfully moderated by Sam Hamels.

Partners from all projects, together with relevant stakeholders from the energy sector touched upon many crucial topics of discussion:

  • How to move from a successful theory towards an impactful experiment? Leverage on co-creation workshops, don't make it too complex, but rely on automation to decrease the mental burden.
  •  How to grasp consumer preferences to develop new business models and market models? Taking the sociological perspective, using discrete choice experiments to capture preferences revealed for example in the ALEXANDER project that consumers are afraid of giving up control, but are motivated in case the benefits of their flexibility are for their own purpose (e.g. increase of self consumption).
  • The flexibility potential is high, but the gap between the theoretical potential and the real potential requires a multi-stakeholder action plan.


 The multi-stakeholder action plan could encompase the following points: 

  • More targeted communication on the benefits of flexibility towards the end consumer.
  • Adapted market design to allow flexibility from the low voltage grid to participate to flexibility services, including modification of main market processes (prequalification, aggregation, baselining and settlement) which are very complex.
  • More research to understand the role of implicit (tariffs, connection agreements) versus explicit flexibility (markets) and how different mechanisms should be organized in a way they reinforce each other instead of cannibalize each others potential.
  • Find a balance between harmonisation/standardisation and customisation to address individual consumer needs and preferences.

Stay tuned the coming weeks for more developments to be announced to accelerate flexibility in Belgium!